The women's ministry of Alayo Miracle Church of Christ strives to serve a diverse group of ladies. The Lord has led us in several areas of ministry and we regularly bunch together to advance or further the cause of the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For young moms, we have our Lunch Bunch which meets every Sunday for lunch and fellowship. Our children interact and play while we share stories and advice.
For all moms, first-timers to grandmoms, we also have a mom’s group that meets regularly to share stories about their struggles and triumphs. Not only that, but we also have Sisters-in-Christ, an outreach and missions' minded group that plans activities for the Church and promote missions offerings to help the Church. This group of women meets from time to time to share clothes, food. They fellowship with the widows and sponsor a baby and bridal showers.
The women's ministry is Christ-centered and is intended to instill sisterhood, thus creating a bond to grow. It welcomes every loving and caring sister in the Church to join them and would like to share their love for Christ with you.